# References Vortex is inspired by and--in some cases--directly based upon the existing, excellent work of many researchers and OSS developers. This page serves as a reference to the work that has influenced Vortex (and so we don't keep asking one another to send links to the same papers over and over again). ## Compression & Encodings * The FastLanes Compression Layout: Decoding > 100 Billion Integers per Second with Scalar Code {cite:p}`2023/FastLanes` * Accelerating GPU Data Processing using FastLanes Compression {cite:p}`2024/FastLanesGPU` * ALP: Adaptive Lossless floating-Point Compression {cite:p}`2023/ALP` * FSST: fast random access string compression {cite:p}`2020/FSST` ## Scanning & Compute * Selection Pushdown in Column Stores using Bit Manipulation Instructions {cite:p}`2023/SelectionPushdown` * JSON Tiles: Fast Analytics on Semi-Structured Data {cite:p}`2021/JSONTiles` * Memento Filter: A Fast, Dynamic, and Robust Range Filter {cite:p}`2024/MementoFilter` ## Columnar File Formats * BtrBlocks: A High-Performance In-Memory Columnar Storage Format {cite:p}`2023/BtrBlocks` * Procella: Unifying serving and analytical data at YouTube {cite:p}`2019/Procella` ## I/O & Cloud Storage * Exploiting Cloud Object Storage for High-Performance Analytics {cite:p}`2023/AnyBlob` --- ```{bibliography} references.bib ```