# Vortex Vortex is an extensible, state-of-the-art format for columnar data. It includes specifications & tools for manipulating possibly-compressed arrays in-memory, on-disk (file format), and over-the-wire (IPC format). Vortex is built around the latest research from the database community. ## In-memory Vortex in-memory arrays support: * Zero-copy interoperability with [Apache Arrow](https://arrow.apache.org). * Cascading compression with lightweight, vectorized encodings such as [FastLanes](https://github.com/spiraldb/fastlanes), [FSST](https://github.com/spiraldb/fsst), and [ALP](https://github.com/spiraldb/alp). * Fast random access to compressed data. * Compute push-down over compressed data. * Array statistics for efficient compute. ## On-disk Vortex ships with an extensible file format supporting: * Zero-allocation reads, deferring both deserialization and decompression. * Zero-copy reads from memory-mapped files. * FlatBuffer metadata to support ultra-wide schemas (>>100k columns) with O(1) column access. * Fully customizable layouts and encodings (row-groups, column-groups -- the writer decides). * Forwards compatibility by optionally embedding [WASM](https://webassembly.org/) decompression kernels for new encodings. ## Over-the-wire Vortex defines a work-in-progress IPC format for sending possibly compressed arrays over the wire. * Zero-copy serialization and deserialization. * Support for both compressed and uncompressed data. * Enables partial compute push-down to storage servers. * Enables client-side browser decompression with Vortex WASM. ## Extensibility Vortex is designed to be incredibly extensible. Almost all reader and writer logic is extensible at compile-time by providing various implementations of Rust traits, and encodings and layouts are extensible at runtime with dynamically loaded libraries or WebAssembly kernels. Please reach out to us if you'd like to extend Vortex with your own encodings, layouts, or other functionality. ## Concepts It can be useful to view Vortex as an ecosystem of building blocks rather than a singular specific format. Almost everything in Vortex is extensible, enabling it to be used for both general-purpose columnar data processing, and niche embedded use-cases where specific encodings and performance characteristics are required. This section of the documentation covers the core concepts of Vortex and how they fit together. ```{toctree} --- maxdepth: 3 includehidden: caption: Concepts --- Arrays Layouts Data Types Compute ``` ## Quickstarts Vortex is currently available for both Python and Rust. To get started, we recommend the language-specific quickstarts. ```{toctree} --- maxdepth: 1 includehidden: caption: Quickstarts --- Python Rust ``` ## API Documentation Vortex is primarily written in Rust, and the Rust API is the most complete API for Vortex. The Vortex Python bindings provide a more usable Python interface to the Vortex Rust library. ```{toctree} --- maxdepth: 2 caption: API Documentation --- Python API Rust API ``` ## User Guides These user guides provide end-to-end overviews of how to use or extend Vortex in your own projects. We intend to extend this collection of guides to cover more use-cases in the future. ```{toctree} --- maxdepth: 1 caption: User Guides --- guides/python-integrations guides/writing-an-encoding ``` ## Specifications Vortex currently defines two serialization formats: a file format and an IPC format. The file format is designed for efficient access to [Vortex Layouts](/concepts/layouts) on disk, while the IPC format is designed to send possibly compressed [Vortex Arrays](/concepts/arrays) over the wire. ```{toctree} --- maxdepth: 3 includehidden: caption: Specifications --- specs/file-format specs/ipc-format specs/dtype-format ``` ```{toctree} --- hidden: caption: Project Links --- references Spiral GitHub PyPI Crates ```